
Gronewold Design began as simply a small seed and has blossomed in more ways than ever thought possible. Brooke Gronewold believed that she had the ability and ambition to design independently. So that is what she did.

And Gronewold Design began to grow.

With over 8 years of experience working with national clients, Brooke is continuing to develop her creativity daily through her design. She has experience working as both an in-house graphic designer and an art director/creative director at a highly successful advertising agency. Brooke has taken the successful experiences of her past and used them as the roots of her business, while creating designs that fully bloom into masterpieces.

So what is Gronewold Design?

Gronewold Design is about growth. As Brooke has continuously grown her skills and talents with each project she creates, she fully understands that the real reward of success is helping clients grow their business. Brooke's strong business understanding, design accomplishments, and willingness to challenge her talents daily have helped her blossom the business into an independent freelance company dedicated to creating artistic and functional design creations for clients.